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days following after chosen date
OSTRAVA - LVIV , distance — ~566 km
Departure station Destination station Price* Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
Getting ticket
26.01.25 (Sunday)
26.01.25 009801 000580 001260
Departure station Ostrava[CZ] 16:40
Avtovokzal (?AN), V?tkovick? 3278{49.830431 / 18.280414}
Destination station 02:40 L'viv (zaliznychnyi vokzal)[UA]
Avtovokzal № 8, Dvirtseva ploscha, 1
Price1372.00 Reliability96%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 188106-2459/6675 PRAHA[CZ] - KYIV (VYDUBYChI)[UA]
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009001 002390 000048
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zaliznychnyi[cz] 16:45
Zaliznychnyi vokzal "Svinov", vul. Peterkova, 79/5{49.821511/...
Destination station 03:55 L'VIV:Avtovokzal,[ua]
Avtovokzal, vul. Stryis'ka, 109 {49.7868753921822/24.01741415...
Price2100.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 7399 Pl'zen' - Nadvirna
Vital euro trans   n/a
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009001 002390 000187
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zaliznychnyi[cz] 16:45
Zaliznychnyi vokzal "Svinov", vul. Peterkova, 79/5{49.821511/...
Destination station 04:25 L'VIV:Avtovokzal[ua]
Avtovokzal "Dvirtsevyi", ploscha Dvirtseva, 1{49.84033794386/...
Price2100.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 7399 Pl'zen' - Nadvirna
Vital euro trans   n/a
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009281 000503 000061
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zh/D vokzal[cz] 17:10
Destination station 03:30 L'VIV:zal "tsentral'nyi l'[ua]
vul. Stryis'ka, 109{49.7871107/24.0152343}
Price1811.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type R-1076_8910 7554 Pardubytse - Kharkiv
VTA BUS (Vasyl'kivtransavto)   VOLVO IRIZAR
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009273 000204 000156
Departure station OSTRAVA:Ostrava 19:05
vulytsia Vitkovicka 3276/2{49.8260648/18.278249}
Destination station 06:50 L'VIV:L'viv Zaliznychnyi vokzal
pl. Dvirtseva, 1, navproty holovnoho vkhodu v zhd vokzal{49....
Price1555.56 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 21 Chernivtsi Praha - Chernivtsi
FOP Bezhenar' Yurii Mykhailovych   MERCEDES-BENS 50
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009305 001842 001836
Departure station OSTRAVA: AV Ostrava 19:05
ul. Witkovicka 3278{49.8285594435808/18.2801219967138}
Destination station 06:50 L'VIV: AS L'viv (Dvirtsevyi)
pl. Dvirtseva 1{49.840001064404/23.9938411985669}
Price1250.00 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 801 1240 Praha - Kharkiv
Avtokombinat 1   MERSEDES- (49)
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009273 000204 000155
Departure station OSTRAVA:Ostrava 19:05
vulytsia Vitkovicka 3276/2{49.8260648/18.278249}
Destination station 07:25 L'VIV:L'viv Stryis'kyi Avtovokza
vulytsia Stryis'ka, budynok 109,{49.786382/24.016022}
Price1555.56 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 21 Chernivtsi Praha - Chernivtsi
FOP Bezhenar' Yurii Mykhailovych   MERCEDES-BENS 50
Getting ticket In the bus
26.01.25 009305 001842 000099
Departure station OSTRAVA: AV Ostrava 19:05
ul. Witkovicka 3278{49.8285594435808/18.2801219967138}
Destination station 07:25 L'VIV: AC L'VIV (TsENTRAL'NYI)
vul. Stryis'ka, 109{49.7868753921822/24.0174141526222}
Price1250.00 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 801 1240 Praha - Kharkiv
Avtokombinat 1   MERSEDES- (49)
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 (Monday)
27.01.25 009281 000503 000061
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zh/D vokzal[cz] 00:25
Destination station 12:30 L'VIV:zal "tsentral'nyi l'[ua]
vul. Stryis'ka, 109{49.7871107/24.0152343}
Price1398.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type R-3526_12424 888a Plzen' - Kherson 12.03
KLR Bus   Van Hool
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009305 001800 000099
Departure station OSTRAVA: OSTRAVA (ZhD) 00:25
Zaliznychnyi vokzal Svynov.{49.8215173859838/18.2094973437945}
Destination station 12:40 L'VIV: AC L'VIV (TsENTRAL'NYI)
vul. Stryis'ka, 109{49.7868753921822/24.0174141526222}
Price1650.00 Reliability99%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 968 1700 Plzen' - Kyiv (peresadka u L'vovi)
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009801 000580 001260
Departure station Ostrava[CZ] 16:40
Avtovokzal (?AN), V?tkovick? 3278{49.830431 / 18.280414}
Destination station 02:40 L'viv (zaliznychnyi vokzal)[UA]
Avtovokzal № 8, Dvirtseva ploscha, 1
Price1372.00 Reliability96%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 188106-2459/6675 PRAHA[CZ] - KYIV (VYDUBYChI)[UA]
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009001 002390 000048
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zaliznychnyi[cz] 16:45
Zaliznychnyi vokzal "Svinov", vul. Peterkova, 79/5{49.821511/...
Destination station 03:55 L'VIV:Avtovokzal,[ua]
Avtovokzal, vul. Stryis'ka, 109 {49.7868753921822/24.01741415...
Price2100.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 7399 Pl'zen' - Nadvirna
Vital euro trans   n/a
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009001 002390 000187
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zaliznychnyi[cz] 16:45
Zaliznychnyi vokzal "Svinov", vul. Peterkova, 79/5{49.821511/...
Destination station 04:25 L'VIV:Avtovokzal[ua]
Avtovokzal "Dvirtsevyi", ploscha Dvirtseva, 1{49.84033794386/...
Price2100.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 7399 Pl'zen' - Nadvirna
Vital euro trans   n/a
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009281 000503 000061
Departure station OSTRAVA:Zh/D vokzal[cz] 17:10
Destination station 03:30 L'VIV:zal "tsentral'nyi l'[ua]
vul. Stryis'ka, 109{49.7871107/24.0152343}
Price2760.00 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type R-1024_5819 7054 Pardubytse - Kharkiv
Prosto Bus Plus (PP Avtotranzyt)   bus-2
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009273 000204 000156
Departure station OSTRAVA:Ostrava 19:05
vulytsia Vitkovicka 3276/2{49.8260648/18.278249}
Destination station 06:50 L'VIV:L'viv Zaliznychnyi vokzal
pl. Dvirtseva, 1, navproty holovnoho vkhodu v zhd vokzal{49....
Price1555.56 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 21 Chernivtsi Praha - Chernivtsi
FOP Bezhenar' Yurii Mykhailovych   MERCEDES-BENS 50
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009305 001842 001836
Departure station OSTRAVA: AV Ostrava 19:05
ul. Witkovicka 3278{49.8285594435808/18.2801219967138}
Destination station 06:50 L'VIV: AS L'viv (Dvirtsevyi)
pl. Dvirtseva 1{49.840001064404/23.9938411985669}
Price1250.00 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 801 1240 Praha - Kharkiv
Avtokombinat 1   MERSEDES- (49)
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009273 000204 000155
Departure station OSTRAVA:Ostrava 19:05
vulytsia Vitkovicka 3276/2{49.8260648/18.278249}
Destination station 07:25 L'VIV:L'viv Stryis'kyi Avtovokza
vulytsia Stryis'ka, budynok 109,{49.786382/24.016022}
Price1555.56 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 21 Chernivtsi Praha - Chernivtsi
FOP Bezhenar' Yurii Mykhailovych   MERCEDES-BENS 50
Getting ticket In the bus
27.01.25 009305 001842 000099
Departure station OSTRAVA: AV Ostrava 19:05
ul. Witkovicka 3278{49.8285594435808/18.2801219967138}
Destination station 07:25 L'VIV: AC L'VIV (TsENTRAL'NYI)
vul. Stryis'ka, 109{49.7868753921822/24.0174141526222}
Price1250.00 Reliability97%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 801 1240 Praha - Kharkiv
Avtokombinat 1   MERSEDES- (49)
Getting ticket In the bus
  • Price is oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
  • Reliability is relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
  • When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information