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Forming the order

days following after chosen date
RIEHIENSBURH - KHMEL'NICKIY , distance — ~1473 km
Departure station Destination station Price* Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
Getting ticket
27.01.25 (Monday)
27.01.25 009301 000870 000086
Departure station REHENSBURH: Avtovokzal 12:45
Destination station 12:45 KhMEL'NYTs'KYI: AV "Tsentral'nyi"
Vinnyts'ke shosse, 23{49.4321530000000/27.0255650000000}
Price3800.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 508 [DE-UA] Kherne - Dnipro -- Hdans'k - Kherson (PN SR PT ND)
EAST WEST EUROLINES/TzOV "L'vivs'ke ATP-14631"   Van Hool90 mists'
Getting ticket In the bus
  • Price is oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
  • Reliability is relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
  • When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information