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Forming the order

days following after chosen date
PRAHA - SVALIAVA , distance — ~971 km
Departure station Destination station Price* Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
Getting ticket
19.01.25 (Sunday)
19.01.25 009305 001541 001372
Departure station PRAHA: Praha 11:00
Bryksova 750/68 Chernyi Most{50.1077602/14.5745883}
Destination station 05:05 SVALIaVA: Svaliava (mahazyn Market
Trasa (mahazyn Market){48.5429362834435/22.9934597859629}
Price1600.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 431 1100 PRAHA - HORODENKA
Makcymiuk   NEOPLAN- 57
Getting ticket In the bus
19.01.25 009305 001290 001372
Departure station PRAHA: AV Praha (Florents) 11:30
vul. Kzhizhikova, 4{50.0894449338568/14.4397119464695}
Destination station 05:05 SVALIaVA: Svaliava (mahazyn Market
Trasa (mahazyn Market){48.5429362834435/22.9934597859629}
Price1600.00 Reliability98%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 431 1100 PRAHA - HORODENKA
Makcymiuk   NEOPLAN- 57
Getting ticket In the bus
19.01.25 009305 001290 000813
Departure station PRAHA: AV Praha (Florents) 15:10
vul. Kzhizhikova, 4{50.0894449338568/14.4397119464695}
Destination station 07:50 SVALIaVA: AS Svaliava
vul. Kyivs'ka, 12{48.5509084732677/22.9893306790536}
Price1700.00 Reliability99%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 653 1510 PRAHA - KYIV
Popovych I. I   MERSEDES49
Getting ticket In the bus
19.01.25 009305 001290 000813
Departure station PRAHA: AV Praha (Florents) 17:10
vul. Kzhizhikova, 4{50.0894449338568/14.4397119464695}
Destination station 09:00 SVALIaVA: AS Svaliava
vul. Kyivs'ka, 12{48.5509084732677/22.9893306790536}
Price1700.00 Reliability99%  --  Route of the bus/Carrier/Bus type 611 1710 PRAHA - SVALIaVA
Potsko N.I   MERSEDES- (49)
Getting ticket In the bus
  • Price is oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
  • Reliability is relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
  • When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information